hit and run accident

Do’s and Don’ts of Chicago Hit & Run Accidents

In a perfect world, hit and run accidents would not occur. The sad truth is that’s not the world we’re living in. Sometimes people leave the scene innocently not realizing that an accident has occurred. Others may leave the scene because they were drinking, didn’t have a valid license or car insurance, or simply panicked.  …

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Illustration of the anatomy of the shoulder and ribs

Understanding the Symptoms and Treatment for Broken Ribs Sustained in an Illinois Auto Accident

All injuries resulting from an auto accident have the potential to be permanent, requiring a substantial amount of medical treatment.  Additionally, the cost of medical treatment often can reach six figures if not seven figures throughout an injured person’s lifetime.  Sustaining broken ribs in an auto accident may not seem that debilitating.  However, such an injury can certainly…

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Common Causes of Head-On Collisions in Chicago and Throughout Illinois

Head-on collisions result in some of the most severe auto accidents, frequently leading to catastrophic injuries that often are fatal.  Head-on collisions happen for a variety of reasons, and while there are common causes of all auto accidents, each accident is unique.   Examples of common causes of head-on collisions include, among others, the following:  Inattentive driving,…

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