Subacromial Impingement Settlement Lawyers in Illinois
Car Accident Cervical Spine Whiplash Injury Claims, Compensation and Settlements Attorneys
Stein & Shulman, LLC has over 45+ years of combined legal experience helping personal injury victims, in Chicago and throughout the State of Illinois, collect the full compensation they are legally entitled. Our law firm leaves no stone unturned when determining the value of your claim. When you retain Stein & Shluman, LLC, you can be confident that we will fight for every bit of the compensation that you truly deserve under Illinois personal injury law.
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome and Shoulder Pain After a Car Wreck
Many of our clients have reported severe shoulder and neck pain following an auto accident. Most people who hear of “soft tissue injuries” such as back pain, shoulder pain or whiplash do not understand how severe these injuries are. The truth is that soft tissue injuries tend to be very painful and can often last a lifetime. Stein & Shulman, LLC has successfully represented personal injury clients by using science and medical experts to help a jury understand the real biological mechanisms at play in these injuries, the pain, and the subsequent injuries and discomfort that arise when an injury victim has to overcompensate to manage their everyday lives.
What is Subacromial Impingement Syndrome?
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome is one of the most overlooked injuries following a car accident. Undiagnosed injuries are one of the many important reasons why an injury victim should retain the legal services of Stein & Shulman, LLC. Our attorneys are familiar with all of the associated injuries sustained in an auto accident. Our attorneys will ensure that you receive a full medical evaluation following your emergency room treatment or while you are in the hospital recovering from your injuries.
The reason why emergency room physicians often overlook shoulder pathology such as Subacromial Impingement Syndrome is that of pain that may be radiating from the head or neck regions. Many times the doctor examining and the car accident injury victim will complain of severe neck pain as well as sharp shoulder pain. In many cases, the doctor will review X-rays, CT scans or MRIs and determine that the shoulder pain is only the radiating pain from the whiplash or the soft tissue neck injury. However, if a patient presents neck and shoulder pain after a traffic accident, there is a strong possibility that the shoulder has sustained an injury as well. This shoulder pain injury is commonly referred to as injury as Subacromial Impingement Syndrome. The shoulder joint where the seatbelt crosses over is usually the Subacromial Impingement Syndrome affected shoulder.
Stein & Shulman’s law practice is 100% dedicated to accident injury cases. Call us at 312.422.0500 to discuss your claim and receive your free and instant case analysis. We are available 24/7.
Is Subacromial Impingement SyndromeTreatable?
In most cases, Subacromial Impingement Syndrome in the shoulder region is treatable. However, Impingement Syndrome must be diagnosed with the corrective treatment plan to be implemented and for the injury victim to fully and correctly recover from this injury. Since this injury is often undiagnosed because the pain is arrantly believed to be “referred pain” from a neck injury, the patients Subacromial Impingement Syndrome is often left untreated for many weeks.
Stein & Shulman, LLC is highly experienced with car accident injury cases. Our law practice is dedicated and devoted to accident injury cases. Call us for your free and instant case review by calling 312.422.0500. We are available 24/7.
How Do Subacromial Impingement Syndrome Injuries to the Shoulder Occur?
If you feel shoulder pain after your accident, it is crucial to your well being that you insist that the examining physician run the proper tests, examine your shoulder and have the proper diagnostic imaging performed to diagnose or rule out Subacromial Impingement Syndrome. Ruling out Subacromial Impingement Syndrome is especially critical if you are suffering from any whiplash or neck pain or any pain located in your cervical spine area. This way, you can receive the proper treatment for a full recovery as soon as possible.
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome shoulder injuries are believed to be caused by direct seatbelt trauma to the shoulder. Recent medical surveys have found that about 26% of those who sustained whiplash injuries also suffered shoulder pain and only 27% of those injury patients who suffered from Subacromial Impingement Syndrome were diagnosed.
Why You Need an Attorney to Represent You in a Legal Action
Whiplash injuries (of the cervical spine) are prevalent auto accident injuries sustained during a motor vehicle accident. When you are injured, there are many short-term and long-term treatment costs. There may be many avenues of insurance coverages that could be “stacked” in order to cover your past, present, and future medical expenses, lost wages, property damage and possible employment loss or inability to work the career you are currently working.
A recent study by the Insurance Research Council ( found that 22% of accident victims retained a lawyer because they wanted to “get the highest settlement possible.” 15% stated they retained legal representation due to delays in receiving their settlement check from the insurance company. 10% stated they retained a legal counsel because they were “unhappy with the settlement amount offered” by the insurance company. The study excerpts can be found here – IRC.
Also, an experienced attorney in Illinois may be able to help negotiate down your medical bills so that you keep more of your settlement amount.
Insurance Companies Are Profit Driven Enterprises
Although the television advertisements appear to present insurance companies as caring, helpful and ready to solve your accident woes, the reality is insurance companies are “for profit” enterprises with a history of bad faith. One CNN article entitled, “Auto Insurers Play Hardball in Minor-crash Claims” reviews several cases of insurance bad faith practices made by major insurance companies. The article is one of many news reports that expose the many tricks employed by insurance adjusters to trick accident victims into making inaccurate statements that reduce the injury victims claim or lets the insurance company “off the hook” for paying the accident victim’s claim. Most people do not understand all of the legal entitlements that they are owed according to Illinois car accident law. Insurance companies make a profit for their shareholders by taking in premiums but paying out as little as possible on claims.
That is why you should speak with an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible to understand your legal rights.
Why Choose Stein & Shulman, LLC for Your Accident Injury Case in Chicago?
Stein & Shulman, LLC is available to speak with your 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We have over 45 years of combined legal experience in accident injury claims. Our law practice is 100% dedicated to accident injury settlement claims. We offer a free, instant case evaluation. Call our Chicago, Illinois auto accident injury compensation attorneys at 312.422.0500 today.
Stein & Shulman, LLC
134 N LaSalle St, #820
Chicago, IL 60602
Hours: We are Open 24/7
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