Train Strikes and Kills Two Chicago Police Officers Investigating Shooting

CHICAGO, IL- The writes that two police officers in Chicago were killed when they were hit by a train while investigating reports of a shooting on the city’s southside.*

The accident took place on December 17, 2018, at about 6 in the evening. A call indicated that shots were fired near the train tracks. Both of the police officers were declared dead at the scene of the incident. The crash shut down the Metra trains from 69th Street through 115th Street while the accident was investigated.

People are advised to exercise extra caution whennear train tracks. Trains are often quieter, closer, and faster than many people realize. Additionally, trains are not able to stop quickly meaning that if someone or somethingison the tracks, the person operating the train is typically helpless to stop the train in time to avoid an accident. It can take a train over one mile tostop if the train is traveling 55 miles per hour. For this reason, trains always have the right of way. Even emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire trucks must give trains the right of way.

It is important to remember that trains can come at any time. Freight trains do not have set schedules, meaning that there can be one any day, at any time. Anyone who is near train tracks should assume that a train could come through at any moment. It is important not to use cell phones or headphones near tracks as a distraction could be deadly.

Trains are so massive, that when a train strikes a car, the results are compared to a car hitting a soda can.

If you or a loved one has been harmed in a traffic accident, contact Stein & Shulman, LLC Today

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Stein & Shulman, LLC
134 N LaSalle St, #820
Chicago, IL 60602

