Driver Using Tesla Autopilot Hits Police Car

CALIFORNIA- reports that a Tesla hit a police car on Tuesday, May 29, 2018, when the driver, a 65-year-old man, was using the vehicle’s autopilot feature. The driver only suffered minor injuries, and no one wasin the police car at the time of the accident.* Some accidents involving Tesla’s Autopilot feature have led consumer groups to…

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Parents Hold The Keys to Safe Teen Drivers in Illinois

According to a report by the Chicago Tribune, parents play a vital part in teaching their teens how to drive safely. The law acknowledges this essential truth by requiring young drivers to log a specific amount of hours of supervised practice as part of the graduated driver licensing process. Supervised driving practice is driving with…

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Traumatic Brain Injuries and Traffic Accidents in the State of Illinois

Traumatic Brain Injuries and Traffic Accident Lawsuit Lawyer In Illinois In traffic accidents, victims are at an increased risk of suffering a traumatic brain injury. For those involved in motorcycle, bicycle, or pedestrian accidents, this risk is especially elevated because these individuals have little protection against injuries. Statistics show that more than half of traumatic…

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Construction Zone Accidents in Chicago, Illinois

Repairing roads, building new structures, and creating new roadways are all a part of living in a growing area. In many cases, the population grows so quickly that a city’s infrastructure cannot keep up. In many construction zones, it can be confusing to navigate the temporary route that has been created. It is not uncommon…

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