Medical payments, or med pay for short, is essential understand in an Illinois auto insurance policy. An Illinois auto insurance policyholder should be aware of the significance of paying a premium for med pay coverage and know how med pay works to protect you from potential financial ruin if you are in a car accident.
Med pay coverage is based on a “no-fault” insurance system. In other words, med pay coverage — assuming that you pay a premium for the coverage — will pay for medical bills no matter who is at fault in the crash. Determining fault in a collision can take a long time. Meanwhile, your medical bills are piling up, and even though you filed a damage claim against the other driver, settling the case could take a year or two depending on the circumstances. Your insurance company will cover some medical expenses for all drivers insured on the policy and passengers in the vehicle who suffered an injury in the car accident.
Interestingly, your insurance company may offer medical payments through your policy coverage even if you were hurt in an accident as a pedestrian or while riding a bicycle. Unlike Personal Injury Protection or PIP, you do not have a deductible if you file a claim against your med pay coverage.
Filing a med pay claim does not forfeit your rights to pursue damages from the other driver. Illinois law does not allow two bites at the insurance apple. You must reimburse your insurance for medical payments made on your behalf by your auto insurer. Otherwise, you would be guilty of “double dipping.” However, having the coverage is having peace of mind. The premium expense for med pay coverage is typically very low and is therefore very affordable. Even though it is not compulsory coverage like PIP in many states, med pay coverage is worth the small expense compared to the dire financial straits you might find yourself in if you did not have the coverage.
Stein & Shulman, LLC has over 45 years of combined experienced in Illinois Car Accident Law. You can receive a free and instant case review by calling our office at 312.422.0500.
Stein & Shulman, LLC
134 N LaSalle St, #820
Chicago, IL 60602