A semi-truck driving on the highway during sunset.

Avoiding Semi-Truck Accidents on I-94 in Illinois

Picture this: You’re driving on I-94 during rush hour, a semi-truck ahead of you begins to sway in its lane, and traffic slows abruptly. In a split second, your commute could turn into a nightmare. Semi-truck accidents on highways like I-94 are too common and often lead to devastating consequences. However, understanding the risks and…

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A dimly lit street at night during a snowfall, with a bright streetlight highlighting the snowflakes in motion

Most Common Personal Injuries During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and spending time with loved ones. However, it’s also a time when accidents and injuries tend to spike. From icy sidewalks to crowded stores, the festive season has unique risks that can lead to unexpected personal injuries. Understanding these dangers can help you and your family…

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Man on the phone while looking at documents and a laptop

How to Talk to an Insurance Company After a Car Accident

Dealing with insurance companies after a car accident requires careful communication. The way you handle these conversations can influence the compensation you receive. It’s essential to be prepared, understanding what to say and what to avoid. Whether you’re speaking with your own insurer or the other driver’s, every word counts. Knowing how to approach these…

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motorcycle accident

What Should I Do If I Am in a Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle accidents can lead to some of the most devastating injuries. Riders are particularly susceptible to sustaining more serious injuries than those in other vehicles, such as cars and trucks, because they lack the protections afforded to these other vehicles. Unlike cars and trucks, there are no airbags, seatbelts, or even walls and structures to…

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Illinois Governor, State Police Beg Motorists to Move Over

CHICAGO, Ill. — Illinois Governor JB Pritzker along with the Head of the Illinois State Police joined in a press conference to reiterate to the public that motorists in Illinois must move over when approaching a patrol car with the emergency lights on while roadside according to ABC 7 Chicago.  Governor Pritzker and the State Police reminded…

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