Slip and Fall Liability in Illinois

Slip and fall injuries are common. People often fall because of slippery flooring or objects that are in a walkway. Injuries may occur at a business or residence, and they can take place at a person’s place of employment. There are many factors that determine whether theinjured individual can collect compensation for the harm the…

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How Much is My Slip and Fall Injury Worth in Illinois?

Slip and fall accidents can lead to severe injuries. These injuries can lead to costly medical bills andother expenses. Fortunately, sometimes people who sustain these injuries can collect compensation for the harm done to them. A property owner is sometimes liable for falls that take place on their property. One important factor when determining whether…

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Winter Weather Brings Fall Injury Risks in Chicago

Can I Someone for Compensation After Falling on Slippery, Icy Surfaces at a Business or Apartment Complex in Illinois? Winter weather is notorious for dangerous driving conditions. Ice and snow create risks of sliding for vehicles on the road. However, motor vehicles are not alone in struggling on slippery surfaces. Pedestrians often experience fallson the…

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Walmart Slip and Fall Lawsuits

Walmart Slip and Fall Lawyers in Chicago, Illinois Wet Floor Slip and Fall Injury Lawsuits, Lawyers and Settlements Water and other liquids can make a linoleum floor very, very hazardous. Linoleum floors can be slippery to begin with. The shine on a linoleum floor conceals pooled water and other clear liquids creating a dangerous situation….

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